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제목 The Journal of Siberian and Far Eastern Studies - No.14, Summer 2016
첨부파일 JSFES No14 내지[8].pdf
Original Language Оценка влияния трудовой миграции из республик СНГ на регионы Дальнего Востока
Second Language Impact Assessment of Labour Migration from CIS Republics to the Far East Regions
저자 Ен Сун Ким , Аида Тилек кызы
페이지 8-30
출처 Summer 2016
발행년도 2016
주제 키워드 [Original ] Трудовая миграция, коэффициент выбытия, дестабилизация денежного обращения, теневая занятость, Агентство по развитию человеческого капитала [Second] Labor migration, lapse ratio, destabilization of currency circulation, illegal occupation, Agency of Developing Human Capital
초록 [국문] [Original ]
Миграционная ситуация на Дальнем Востоке ? одна из самых сложных, противоречивых, болезненных проблем. Именно она сегодня определяет качество развития и безопасность региона. Причиной оттока коренного населения является низкое качество жизни. Выбытие профессиональных кадров не восполняется специалистами соответствующего уровня. Наибольший отток наблюдается в регионах с богатыми природными ресурсами и перспективами промышленного освоения. Можно ли решить эту проблему за счёт трудовой иммиграции из СНГ? Надежды на трудовую иммиграцию из республик СНГ как на ресурс покрытия дефицита рабочих рук оправдались только в сферах: строительство, ЖКХ, торговля, транспорт и бытовые услуг. Но низкая квалификация приезжающих, демпингование заработной платы, случаи замещения местных работников мигрантами приводит к маргинализации мигрантов в принимающем обществе. Трудовая иммграция становится источником дополнительных доходов бюджета за счёт всевозможных пошлин, налогов с доходов и штрафов за нарушения миграционного режима, искусственно провоцируемые органами Федеральной миграционной службы (ФМС). Ужесточение миграционного законодательства, дискриминационные меры органов ФМС и стремление использовать уязвимость нелегального трудового мигранта в своих целях способствуют нелегальной занятости, приводящую к еще большим потерям бюджета, дестабилизации денежного обращения и отказу от внедрения инноваций предпринимателями. Решить эту проблему возможно только путём перевода трудовой иммиграции на основы планирования и межгосударственного регулирования.

Negative migration balance in the Russian Far East is one of the most complex, conflicting, delicate problems. Today that particular problem determines quality of region development and security. The reason for native’s disposal is low quality of life. Departure of professional personnel doesn`t supply by new professional employees. Maximal outflow is true in the resourse ? rich regions with commercial exploitation in future. Is it possible to decide this problem by enlistmen of the migrant workers from CIS? The migrant workers from CIS covers deficit of labous only in construction, housing and public utilities, trading, transport and consumer services. Low qualification of migrantors, dumping of salary, replacements of people on the pot by migrant workers lead to marginalization of migrants in the host society. The labour migration become a source of additional budget incomes by means of taxes, income taxes and penalties for infringement of migration schedules, that specially initiated by Federal Migration Service (FMS). Tougher of migration legislation, discriminatory measures of FMS and aspiration of employers to use the vulnerability of irregular migrant in own interests promote shady employment, which leads to greater losses of the budget, the destabilization of monetary and going away with innovation. The solution of this problem is planning and interstate regulation of labour immigration.

첨부파일 files/JSFES_No.14-1_Kim-Labor_migration[5].pdf
Original Language External Factors for Russia's Economic Growth : An Overview of Relevant Theoretical and Empirical Studies
Second Language
저자 Elena Shadrina
페이지 30-72
출처 summer 2016
발행년도 2016
주제 키워드 Russia, economic growth, resource dependency, economic sanctions
초록 [국문] The contemporary history of Russia’s economic development encompasses three periods defined by the financial crises of 1998, 2008 and 2014. For an economy dependent on natural resources, it is of no surprise that all crises occurred at times when the external commodity markets experienced unfavourable dynamics, particularly, crude oil. Recently, the negative (anticipated) impact of oil price slump was magnified by the effect of economic sanctions, resulting in a deeper contraction of the Russian economy. As the long-term projections for oil price to remain low dominate, Russia is confronted with its permanent dilemma: to restructure its economy in order to reinvigorate economic growth driven by non-resource factors, or to retain its economic model unchanged in the anticipation of resumption of growth path, backed by oil rents when the oil price recovers. With the latter option almost invariably signifying secular stagnation, Russia’s academia and macroeconomic planners alike are summoned to comprehend the roots of the current economic malaises and elaborate on the future economic development model. This article analyses Russia’s economic situation, outlines relevant theoretical approaches on the effects of resource dependency and economic sanctions on national economy, depicts Russia’s contemporary research on these two accounts and addresses several popular arguments as to what Russia’s prospective economic model should or should not be.
첨부파일 files/JSFES No.14-2 Shadrina-Russias economic growth_July_5[4].pdf
(Book review)
Original Language Book Review on International Cooperation in the Development of Russia’s Far East and Siberia
Second Language
저자 Tamara Troyakova
페이지 72-77
출처 Summer 2016
발행년도 2016
주제 키워드
초록 [국문]
첨부파일 files/JSFES_No.14-3_Troyakova-Book_review[5].pdf
조회수 2965
등록일 2016-08-08

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