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제목 The Journal of Siberian and Far Eastern Studies - No.9, Winter 2013
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Original Language Russian Policy to Develop Far Eastern Territories, and Economic Cooperation
Second Language Russian Policy to Develop Far Eastern Territories, and Economic Cooperation
저자 Sergey Sevastianov
페이지 28 page
발행년도 2013 Winter
주제 키워드 Russian Far East, APEC 2012 Summit in Vladivostok
초록 [국문] At the beginning of the article the author is putting the Russian Far East (RFE) development
plans into historic context, and demonstrates that current long-term strategic task - to
preserve territorial integrity of its Far East - is not new for Russia, and that during XIX, XX
and XXI centuries Russian leaders have implemented different socioeconomic and
administrative schemes to mobilize population to master that part of the country. He explains
why “pure market”economy does not work effectively in this remote and undeveloped part
of the country, and describes first measures undertaken by Russia led by President Putin in
the first decade of the XXI century to change the situation.
Then the author elaborates on perspective plans of the Russian regional policy. For this
purpose he describes the crucial role and results of the APEC summit in Vladivostok in
2012. It became a chance to discuss with the Asia Pacific countries and to define Russian
priorities for regional economic integration, such as energy and natural resources supplies,
transportation and logistics, tourism, science and education services, nature and ecology
preservation, etc. A new theme at the APEC forum has become an idea for the RFE to use
its abundant land areas to increase production of food, such as wheat, soy-beans, etc. to
make a real input into improving situation with food security in East Asia. Besides, the author
suggests that another priority for Russia is to make Vladivostok a more prosperous “global
city”capable to become one of the international cooperation centers in the Asia-Pacific. He
is evaluating what should be done to help the city to play this envisioned role, while making
a special emphasis on abundant scientific and educational resources of the Far Eastern
Federal University.
In the final part of the article the author describes steadily improving high level political ties
between Russia and ROK, emphasizes that Moscow has strong political and economic
interests in the Korean Peninsula, while ROK is also interested in positive development of the
RFE and strengthening of political and economic bilateral ties. He is making a special focus
on most visible economic projects launched recently by Korean business at the RFE territory,
and proposes several more areas for developing successful cooperation for the mutual
benefit of Russian and Korean economics.
첨부파일 files/시베리아극동연구9호-1Sergey Sevastianov[3].pdf
Original Language Revisiting Korea-Russia Cooperation Agenda in An Era of Great Transformation...
Second Language Revisiting Korea-Russia Cooperation Agenda in An Era of Great Transformation...
저자 Kang, Bong Koo
페이지 32 page
발행년도 2013 Winter
주제 키워드 president Putin, president Park Geun-hye, Korea-Russia summit
초록 [국문] East Asia is rising as a global center of power. Moscow is undertaking development
program of Far Eastern region as a key component of national development strategy to
bandwagon and take advantage of the new wave of change. Russian Far Eastern region is
inducing “An Era of Great Transformation.”Korea-Russia summit in this moment could
become a good chance to mature bilateral cooperation and relations in general. Considering
limited economic resources, Korea has no way but to choose “the strategy of choice and
concentration.”A construction project of natural gas pipeline is the most important Korean-
Russian joint business which would bring about earlier circulation effect of outcomes.
Continuing investment, while creating to some extent investment capital for itself, is a
sustainable way of development of Russian Far Eastern region. This is a scheme in which
virtuous cycle is operating in a way Russia provides Korea with natural gas produced in Russian
Far Eastern region and pays this money to Korean companies participating in development
projects of this region.
첨부파일 files/시베리아극동연구9호-2 강봉구[1].pdf
Original Language N. S. Trubetskoy and Eurasianism
Second Language N. S. Trubetskoy and Eurasianism
저자 Park, Hyun Bong
페이지 30 page
발행년도 2013 Winter
주제 키워드 Eurasianism , Eurasia, N.S. Trubetskoy, History of Russian Thought
초록 [국문] The one of basic questions in the history of Russian thought is what is ‘Russian Idea’that
pretends a national question. This is a thesis which has been applied in such period as pre
October revolution in Russia and post Soviet times in 90’s years. After the crash of Soviet
Union trial of reformation policy of M. Gorbachev and B. Yeltsin stimulated the logic of
liberalistic initiatives but the feature of some their failure made to find non-liberal alternatives.
Anyways we may say there was some conservative sentiment on the both ways not depending
on which solution was suggested. Russian conservatism is explained such two ways, the one is
Slavophilism which wanted self-existence of nation on base of religion, and the other is trend of
strengthening of autocracy. In both cases a common starting was the differentiation of Russia
and Europe, and the final point was loyal belief on Russian orthodoxy, patriotism based on this
belief and stress on role of the state.
Eurasianism was also reflected these conservative trends as a common character of Russian
history of thought. Eurasianists have criticized religious fanaticism of Slavophile even though
they also came from there, and they have attacked both of abstractness of Westerner and
Bolshevism. In last case the remarkable moment is Eurasianists rejected just ideological dogmaof Bolshevism not the thesis of strengthening of state. This attitude may be comparable to
conservative liberals. The essential difference of Eurasianism from the last was they pursue a
possibility of strong state which should accommodate all harmonic individuals in the Asia, not
in the West. Thus in this paper it is mainly considered how Eurasianists could believe that their
possibility of question is from the Asia through the thought of N. S. Trubetskoy. And also there
is suggested main meaning of emergence of Eurasianism and its unique method of explanation.
첨부파일 files/시베리아극동연구9호-3박현봉[1].pdf
Original Language Energy Policies of the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia) and Climate-Environmental...
Second Language Energy Policies of the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia) and Climate-Environmental...
저자 Kyong Wan Lee
페이지 23 page
발행년도 2013 Winter
주제 키워드 Risk, Climate change, Environmental pollution, Energy efficiency
초록 [국문] This research note aims to summarize generally the energy policies of the Republic of
Sakha (Yakutia), which were established in accordance with the Russian federal energy
strategy, and enumerate the negative influence of climate change and environmental
pollution on energy projects in the republic. Intensifying natural risk factors relating to
climate change and environmental pollution may threaten robust energy projects which are
or are to be implemented in the republic. not just in relation to large-scale hydrocarbon
energy development and transport, but also to energy efficiency, energy saving, and
renewable energy development. However, the latter energy projects will be less vulnerable to
those natural risk factors comparatively and contribute to sustainable energy supply on the
long term. Korean energy companies interested in the energy sector in Siberia and the
Russian Far East are required to establish comprehensive risk management against
intensifying natural risk factors by formulating international tri-sector partnership with other
organizations, and develop appropriate technology in relation to energy efficiency, energy
saving and renewable energy development considering the specific natural and human
environments. That will lay the foundation for Korean companies to enter the local energy
market in the more sustainable way in environmental, social and economical dimensions.
첨부파일 files/시베리아극동연구9호-4이경완[1].pdf
Original Language New Materials for Energy and Transport in Siberia
Second Language New Materials for Energy and Transport in Siberia
저자 Valeriy Lepov, Nikolay Petrov, Anatoly Kychkin
페이지 15 page
발행년도 2013 Winter
주제 키워드 sustainable development, safety, composite material, cold resistance
초록 [국문] This work proposes the main principles of energy and transport design in Siberia,
including sustainable and safety development on the base of new cold-resistance steels
and composite materials application. Particularly the cold resistance high-strength and
chemical durable basalt composite materials in association with the low thermal
conductivity and light weight stipulate the wide applications in building industry and
power engineering in cold regions of Russia. The technology of volume-hardening
steels is attractive for the main power and transport facilities in cold climate regions too.
첨부파일 files/시베리아극동연구9호-5Valeriy Lopov, Nikolay Petrov, Anatoly Kychkin[1].pdf
(Book review)
조회수 3487
등록일 2015-10-26

수정 삭제 목록